- 2020.09.30
Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Export Certificate Report
This report lists major export certificates required by the Japanese government to export food and agricultural products from the United States to Jap……
- 2020.09.28
MAFF Lowers Planned Butter Imports by 30 Percent
On September 25, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) announced that it would lower planned imports of butter to 14,000 metric ……
- 2020.09.18
Grain and Feed Update
Feed production is projected to increase slightly, reflecting stable livestock production and a slight increase in poultry production. Corn consumptio……
- 2020.09.18
Japan Proposes to Revise Eligibility for Biomass Feed-In Tariff Program
Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) invites public comments on its proposal to shorten the eligibility window for previously approv……
- 2020.09.14
Japan Raises Carbon Intensity Value for Gasoline
Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry increased the greenhouse gas emission value of gasoline to 88.74 g-CO2eq/MJ from 84.11 g-CO2eq/MJ. Fol……
- 2020.09.07
Japanese Processed Fruit Market 2020
Demand for processed fruit in Japan has held steady amidst an overall decline in fresh fruit consumption due to an aging and declining population. Thi……
- 2020.09.04
COVID-19 Impacts on Food Distribution in Japan – Update III
Following the lift of the nationwide state of emergency on May 25, food service sector monthly sales recovered slightly in July (down 15 percent from ……
- 2020.09.03
Japan Publishes English Translation of the Enforcement Notice for the Positive List System for Food Packaging and Container Substances
Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) updated its English language website with more information about Japan’s new positive list syste……
- 2020.09.02
Japan 235th Food Safety Group
Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) announced revisions to Japan’s maximum residue levels for Oxazosulfyl, Cartap, Thiocyclam, Bensu……
- 2020.08.28
Poultry and Products Annual
Japan’s chicken production in 2021 is projected to continue steady growth in order to meet increasing household demand during the COVID-19 pandemic. T……