- 2018.02.01
Japan Approves 139 EU-Proposed GIs for Wine and Spirits
- 2018.01.10
Japan Designates First 5 Clean Wood Act Registration Organizations
- 2018.01.10
Japan Invites Public Comments on Fuel Ethanol Policy
- 2017.12.28
Competitive Field Tilts Against US Wheat in Japan
- 2017.12.26
Exporter Guide
- 2017.12.20
MAFF Approves 70 EU-Proposed GIs for Agricultural Items
- 2017.12.12
Japan to accept U.S. corn ethanol in bio-ETBE
- 2017.11.08
Revised Country of Origin Labeling Requirements for Ingredients
- 2017.11.08
Japan Modifies Forest Products Standards
- 2017.10.20
Japan Sees Little Reason So far to Revise GE Labeling