- 2020.04.23
Food Additive Labeling Public Comment Period Announced
Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) plans to remove the terms “artificial” and “synthetic” for sweeteners, colorings, preservatives, and flavors fro……
- 2020.04.22
Japan Opens Public Comments Period to Approve DMDC as Wine Additive
The National Tax Agency of Japan invites public comments on the use of dimethyl dicarbonate, (DMDC) to preserve wine and “fruit wine” products. Commen……
- 2020.04.17
Japan Provides Food Labeling Flexibility in Response to COVID19
Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency will temporarily suspend the strict monitoring of non-critical food labeling information in response to COVID-19 relat……
- 2020.04.08
Cabinet Approves COVID-19 Supplementary Budget for MAFF
Japan’s Cabinet approved a $990 billion economic package to support the economy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Agriculture, For……
- 2020.04.08
Japan Announces Dairy TRQs for JFY 2020
On April 1, 2020, the Government of Japan announced tariff-rate quota volumes for dairy products that will be open during Japanese Fiscal Year (JFY) 2……
- 2020.03.30
MAFF JFY2020 Budget Focuses on Reinforcement of Agricultural Production Resources and Infrastructure
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) received 2.41 trillion yen (roughly US$22.1 billion) for its Japanese Fiscal Year (JFY) 202……
- 2020.03.30
Japan Provides COVID-19 Emergency Funding to Producers and Food Manufacturers
The Government of Japan released two tranches of emergency funding for COVID-19 countermeasures, 15.3 billion yen (US$140 million) on February 13 and ……
- 2020.03.25
Final MAFF Guidelines for the Handling of Genome Edited Feed and Feed Additives
On February 7, 2020, Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries released the final handling procedure guidelines for genome edited feed ……
- 2020.03.24
USJTA Treatment for Sugars and Sugar Confectionary
This is one in a series of reports providing concise overviews of how the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA), which entered into force on January 1, 2……
- 2020.03.09
Import Requirements for US Chipping Potatoes Destined for Japan
In light of Japan’s recent removal of two import restrictions on U.S. chipping potatoes, this report summarizes Japan’s current import requirements, w……