- 2021.09.21
Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Country Report
This report is an overview and update of Japan's food and agricultural import regulations and standards (FAIRS). For more information on Japan's certi……
- 2021.09.21
Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Export Certificate Report
This report lists major export certificates required by the Japanese government to export food and agricultural products from the United States to Jap……
- 2021.09.15
Grain and Feed Update
FAS Tokyo estimates MY2020/21 corn imports will be 15.5 million tons, down 2.4 percent from the previous year due to high global corn prices. FAS Toky……
- 2021.09.13
Japan Opens Public Comment Period for its Proposed 6th Strategic Energy Plan
Japan’s Agency of Natural Resources and Energy will accept public comments on its proposed 6th Strategic Energy Plan between September 3 and October 4……
- 2021.08.31
Poultry and Products Annual
Japan’s chicken meat production in 2022 is forecast to marginally increase from 2021 as the sector recovers from outbreaks of the highly pathogenic av……
- 2021.08.20
Japan Grants Market Access for US Japanese Plums
From August 19, 2021, Japan has expanded market access for U.S.-grown plums to imports of Japanese plums (Prunus salicina) from the United States, in ……
- 2021.08.19
Livestock and Products Annual
FAS/Tokyo projects cattle stocks to increase in 2022 as MAFF support programs continue to incentivize farmers to expand production. Due to a large cro……
- 2021.08.12
Stone Fruit Annual
Japan’s fresh cherry production in 2021/22 marketing year (MY) is estimated to fall to 13,000 metric tons due to severe frost damage in the largest do……
- 2021.08.04
EU Proposes 11 New Alcoholic Beverages for GI Protection in Japan
On August 2, Japan’s National Tax Agency (NTA) published a list of 11 proposed geographical indications (GIs) for wine from the European Union (EU). N……
- 2021.08.04
EU Proposes 17 New Agricultural Products for GI Protection in Japan
On August 2, Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) published a list of 17 products proposed by the EU for geographical indica……