United States Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Japan


Market Research
GAIN Reports


USJTA Treatment for Potatoes and Potato Products 2021

The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA) has been in effect for 16 months, however the timing of Japan's fiscal year meant that the agreement entered "Y……


USJTA Treatment for Nuts 2021

The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA) has been in effect for 16 months, however the timing of Japan's fiscal year meant that the agreement entered "Y……


Industrial Ethanol Market in Japan

Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry strictly monitors the production, importation and sales of ethanol exceeding 90 percent of alcohol con……


USJTA Treatment for Pork and Pork Products 2021

The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA) has been in effect for 16 months, however the timing of Japan's fiscal year meant that the agreement entered "Y……


USJTA Treatment for Wheat and Wheat Products 2021

The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA) has been in effect for 16 months, however the timing of Japan's fiscal year meant that the agreement entered "Y……


USJTA Treatment for Beef and Beef Products 2021

The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA) has been in effect for 16 months, however the timing of Japan's fiscal year meant that the agreement entered "Y……


Japan Releases Draft 2021 Forest and Forestry Basic Plan

On April 26, 2021, Japan’s Forestry Agency released the draft of the new Forest and Forestry Basic Plan, which is due for revision in 2021. The plan a……


Japan Lifted Aflatoxin Inspection Order on Walnuts

On April 1, 2021, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) suspended a mandatory aflatoxin inspection regime imposed on walnuts from the ……


Summary of Japan’s Dairy Quota System

Most dairy product imports into Japan are conducted through government tariff-rate quotas (TRQs). This report provides a summary of how these TRQs are……


Japan Grants Equivalence Recognition to US-Graded Norway Spruce Lumber

On March 31, 2021, Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism expanded its recognition of American Lumber Standard Committee’s (A……
