- 2022.05.13
Tree Nuts Market in Japan
This report details the strong demand for U.S. Tree Nut products, driven by the growing health-oriented trends among Japanese consumers. In 2021, fres……
- 2022.04.25
MAFF Announces Dairy TRQs for JFY 2022
On April 1, Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) announced tariff-rate quota (TRQ) volumes for dairy products that will be o……
- 2022.04.11
Japan Reduces Planned Imports of Butter and Imports of NFDM also Remain Low in JFY2022
The Japanese government announced they would reduce planned imports of butter to 7,600 metric tons (MT) in Japanese fiscal year (JFY) 2022 from 9,500 ……
- 2022.04.05
Oilseeds and Products Annual
In MY 2021/22, profit margins of Japanese soybean crushing surpassed those of canola crushing. Meanwhile, as hotel, restaurant, and institutional serv……
- 2022.03.21
Grain and Feed Annual
FAS Tokyo projects Japan’s overall demand for feed grain to remain robust in MY2021/22 and MY2022/23 as livestock production expands. FAS Tokyo antici……
- 2022.03.07
Livestock and Products Semi-annual
Cattle stocks are projected to expand in 2022 as slaughter slowed in late 2021. In the dairy sector, cow slaughter is likely to increase in 2022 to lo……
- 2022.02.18
Japan Cheese Consumption Remains Stable Despite Pandemic Disruptions
This report focuses on Japan’s cheese market and the potential for continued growth. In 2020, the United States exported over $162 million of cheese p……
- 2022.01.13
Japan Proposes a New JAS Standard for Miso
Japan invites public comments on the newly developed Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) for miso (fermented soybean paste). Comments are due on Janu……
- 2021.12.20
Citrus Annual
Japan’s mandarin production continues to decline amidst labor shortages and reduced consumption. Shipping challenges and rising prices are projected t……
- 2021.12.20
Biofuels Annual
FAS/Tokyo expects Japan’s imports of bioethanol to stay steady in line with Japan’s long-standing annual target for on-road biofuel of 500 million lit……